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Endpoint Prevention & Response (EPR) Test 2022

Date September 2022
Language English
Last Revision October 24th 2022

Release date 2022-10-27
Revision date 2022-10-24
Test Period June - September 2022
Online with cloud connectivity checkbox-checked
Update allowed checkbox-checked
False Alarm Test included checkbox-checked
Platform/OS Microsoft Windows


Endpoint prevention and response (EPR) products are used in enterprises to detect, prevent, analyse and respond to targeted attacks such as advanced persistent threats (APTs). Whilst endpoint security products are expected to detect and block malware and network attacks on individual workstations, EPR solutions have to deal with multi-stage attacks that aim to infiltrate an organisation’s entire network. In addition to protecting individual devices, endpoint prevention and response systems are expected to provide detailed analysis of an attack’s origin, methods and aims. This allows security staff to understand the nature of the threat, prevent it from spreading, remediate any damage done, and take precautions to prevent similar attacks in the future.

AV-Comparatives’ Endpoint Prevention and Response Test is the most comprehensive test of EPR products ever performed. The 10 products in the test were subjected to 50 separate targeted attack scenarios, which used a variety of different techniques. If left unchecked, the attacks would progress through three separate phases: Endpoint Compromise and Foothold; Internal Propagation; Asset Breach. At each stage, the full attack-chain test determined whether the product took automated action to block the threat (active response), or provided information about the attack which the administrator could use to take action themselves (passive response). If an EPR product did not block an attack at one stage, the attack would continue to the next phase, and the product’s response here would be noted.

This report includes the results of the tests, showing at which stage (if any) each product provided active or passive response to each threat. However, a number of other factors are also considered. The ability of each product to take remedial action, such as isolating an endpoint from the network, restoring it from a system image, or editing the Windows Registry, was noted. Likewise, each product’s ability to investigate the nature of an attack was examined. Also considered was the ability of each product to collect and present information on indicators of compromise in an easily accessible form.

We have developed an Enterprise EPR CyberRisk Quadrant that factors in the effectiveness of each product at preventing breaches, the calculated savings resulting from this, the purchase costs of the product, the product’s operational accuracy costs, and workflow-delay costs. For this calculation, we have assumed an enterprise with 5,000 client PCs over a period of 5 years. On the basis of this, we have certified products on three levels. These are, from highest to lowest: Strategic Leaders, CyberRisk Visionaries, and Strong Challengers.

Tested Products

We congratulate the following vendors for taking part in this EPR Test and having their results published. All tested vendors were provided with information on their respective missed scenarios, so that they can further improve their products. Please note that some of the vendors in this test chose to remain anonymous, so we have referred to them as “Vendor A”, “Vendor B”, etc. We have included their results in the report in order to provide an overview of the performance levels currently available on the market.

The following products were tested by AV-Comparatives

The settings which were applied to each respective product can be found later on in this report.

This comparative report provides an overview of the results for all tested products. There are also individual reports for each product, which are available at at the links provided below:

Palo Alto Networks:

EPR CyberRisk Quadrant™

Product 5-Year Product Cost (Per Agent) Active Response Passive Response Combined Prevention/Response Capabilities Y-Axis Operational Accuracy Costs
Workflow Delay Costs
5-Year TCO (Per Agent) X-Axis
Bitdefender $100 98.0% 98.0% 98.0% None Low $1,013
CISCO $158 100% 100% 100% Low None $587
ESET $149 96.7% 99.3% 98.0% Moderate None $2,946
Kaspersky $206 97.3% 97.3% 97.3% Low None $1,505
Palo Alto Networks $210 96.7% 98.0% 97.3% Low None $1,509
Vendor A $90 94.0% 96.0% 95.0% Low None $2.293
Vendor B $130 91.3% 91.3% 91.3% Low None $4,394
Vendor C
$249 92.7% 96.0% 94.3%
Low None $2,888
Vendor D
$134 84.7% 90.7% 87.7%
Low None $4,730
Vendor E
$190 94.7% 95.3% 95.0%
Low Low $2.601

CyberRisk Quadrant Key Metrics- based on 5000 clients

Explanation of the EPR CyberRisk Quadrant

Strategic Leaders

These are EPR products that have a very high return on investment, and thus provide very low total cost of ownership (TCO). This is due to exceptional technical capabilities, combined with reasonable costs. These products generally demonstrated outstanding prevention, detection, response and reporting capabilities, combined with optimal operational and system-administrator workflow features.

CyberRisk Visionaries

These EPR products offer a high return on investment, providing low TCO by offering excellent technical capabilities combined with very good operational and system-administrator workflow capabilities. These products generally demonstrated very good prevention, detection, response and reporting capabilities, along with above-average operational and system-administrator workflow capabilities.

Strong Challengers

EPR products that provide a satisfactory return on investment, thus providing an acceptable TCO. They generally offer effective prevention, detection, response and reporting capabilities, and competent operational and system-administrator workflow capabilities.  

Not certified

Products with a combined Active and Passive Response of less than 90%, and/or other costs that made the TCO too high, are not certified.

Which product is right for my enterprise?

The fact that a product is shown here in the highest area of the quadrant does not necessarily mean that it is the best product for your enterprise needs. Products in lower areas of the quadrant could have features that make them well suited to your particular environment.

Placement of the dots

The vendor ‘dot’ placement on the Y axis of the quadrant was driven by how good the active response or passive response capabilities were. This score will also have an influence on the X axis; a product with a high active response rate will have a lower TCO, as the response costs are smaller. Furthermore, products that stop an attack in an earlier phase will also incur fewer costs. Other factors in the TCO calculation include purchase price, operational accuracy, and workflow delays caused by e.g. sandbox analysis.

Please see the full explanation below as to how active and passive response credits were given to vendors.

EPR CyberRisk Quadrant Overview

We have developed an Enterprise EPR CyberRisk Quadrant that factors in the effectiveness of each product at preventing breaches, the calculated savings resulting from this, the purchase costs of the product, and the product’s accuracy costs (incurred due to false positives).

One of the significant problems caused by a security breach is the financial cost incurred by the targeted organisation. According to IBM, the average cost of a breach is USD 4.35 million. Therefore, purchasing an effective EPR product that minimises the negative impact of an attack can be a good investment. If a company stands to lose USD 2 million if an attack is successful, then spending even USD 1.5 million on security measures makes good financial sense, aside from any other considerations.

In this section, we consider the overall costs involved in deploying the tested security products, and their effectiveness in preventing security breaches. This enables us to calculate how good a financial investment each of the products represents. Using IBM’s estimate of USD 4.35 million as the loss to the enterprise if an attack is successful, we calculate how much the organisation could save by purchasing each of the tested EPR products. The figures show that all the tested products are effective, and that their combined active and passive response scores cover the great majority of attacks. However, some products are clearly better than others in this respect. The more effective a product is at preventing security breaches, the less the expected costs for dealing with breaches will be.

The graphic below outlines the formula used to arrive at the total cost of ownership for a product, which includes the following factors. Firstly, there is the price paid to the product’s vendor for the product and associated service and support charges. Next come any costs associated with over-blocking/over-reporting caused by the product, which are defined as Operational Accuracy costs below. These cases have to be investigated and remediated. In 2015, the Ponemon’s Institute estimated that companies waste roughly USD 1.3 million per year due to inaccurate or erroneous intelligence. To allow for inflation over the last seven years, a reasonable estimate for 2022 would be USD 1.43 million. This has been factored in as the added yearly cost that you can expect to pay for a product failing our operational-accuracy validation this year. Costs arising from imperfect Operational Accuracy are penalised, and costs due to workflow delays are also taken into account. Hence, if a user is operationally impacted by e.g. a product’s features, policies or behaviour, this will be reflected in the EPR CyberRisk quadrant rating as well.

Next come the costs associated with breaches, whereby a product that could theoretically block 100% of attacks would have zero breach costs here, whilst a product that did not block any attacks would incur the full cost of a breach.

The breach cost of each product per scenario was calculated, based on the ability of the EPR product to actively and passively respond at the time of execution. The procedure we used for calculating breach costs in 2022 is given below:

  1. If there was active response in Phase 1, then 0% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  2. If there was NO active response in Phase 1, but the product showcased passive response capabilities in Phase 1, then only 12.5% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  3. If there was active response in Phase 2, then 25% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  4. If there was NO active response in Phase 2, but the product showcased passive response capabilities in Phase 2, then 50% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  5. If there was active response in Phase 3, then 75% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  6. If there was NO active response in Phase 3, but the product showcased passive response capabilities in Phase 3, then 95% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.
  7. If there was NO active or passive response for the scenario, then 100% of the total breach cost was added for the scenario.

To calculate the X-axis in the EPR CyberRisk Quadrant, we used the list price of the product, operational accuracy (such as false positives/over-blocking/over-reporting) costs, workflow-delay costs, and the breach-cost savings.

Scores shown on the X axis of the Quadrant are calculated as follows. For active response, we take the cumulative response scores for phases 1, 2 and 3, and find the average of these. We then do the same with the cumulative passive response scores for phases 1, 2 and 3. Finally, we take the average of these two scores to provide the overall response score.

In the 2020 and 2021 EPR Tests, as well as this year, we observed the “Time to Prevent” and “Time to Respond” over a period of 24 hou rs. However, in none of the cases with any of the products did the initial values change over the 24 hours period. We note that data breaches in large organisations are typically discovered weeks or even months later, so including the extra day to our study had virtually no effect. Consequently, we have decided not to consider this metric anymore.

For the 2023 test, we have adapted the calculations so that workflow delays and operational accuracy problems are better balanced [Probably multiplying factors will be changed]

We continually strive to make the metrics used in this test relevant to the current situation. We listened to feedback from enterprises, and took this into account where appropriate (such as taking Operational Accuracy and Workflow Delay costs into account and removing unneeded metrics).

EPR systems aim to prevent threats where this is possible, or provide effective detection/response capabilities where it isn’t. Endpoint products that offer a high prevention rate incur fewer costs, since there is no operational overhead required to respond to and remediate the effects of an attack. Furthermore, EPR products that provide a high detection rate (visibility and forensic detail) will realize savings, because the product provides the information needed to investigate the attack.

Active Response (Prevention): An active response stops the attack automatically, and reports it.

Passive Response (Detection): A passive response does not stop the attack, but reports suspicious activity.

Test Results

AV-Comparatives’ EPR Certification

For this test, we are giving three different levels of certification to qualifying products, based on their respective positions in the Enterprise CyberRisk Quadrant™. To be certified, a product must achieve an average of at least 90% for combined Active and Passive Response, and not cause high costs. Certification levels are (from high to low): Strategic Leader, CyberRisk Visionary, Strong Challenger.

The table below shows the levels reached by the tested products in AV-Comparatives’ 2022 EPR Test:

Strategic Leader Bitdefender, CISCO, Kaspersky, Palo Alto Networks
CyberRisk Visionary ESET, Vendor A, Vendor C, Vendor E
Strong Challenger Vendor B
Not Certified Vendor D


Detailed Test Results

For an active response (preventative action) to be credited, we verified whether the product made an active response during the respective phase. Similarly, for a passive response (detection event) to be credited, we verified that the product gave an active alert tied to the attack during the respective phase, allowing the system administrator to take appropriate actions.

Phase-1 Metrics: Endpoint Compromise and Foothold

The Phase 1 content of the executed attacks can be described by means of MITRE ATT&CK and other frameworks. The following Tactics are part of this phase.

Initial Access: Initial access is the method used by the attacker to get a foothold inside the environment that is being targeted. Attackers may use a single method, or a combination of different techniques. Threats may come from compromised websites, email attachments or removable media. Methods of infection can include exploits, drive-by downloads, spear phishing, macros, trusted relationships, valid accounts, and supply-chain compromises.

Execution: The next goal of the attacker is to execute their own code inside the target environment. Depending upon the circumstances, this could be done locally or via remote code execution. Some of the methods used include client-side execution, third-party software, operating-system features like PowerShell, MSHTA, and the command line.

Persistence: Once the attacker gets inside the target environment, they will try to gain a persistent presence there. Depending upon the target operating system, an attacker may use operating-system tools and features. These include registry manipulation, specifying dynamic-link-library values in the registry, shell scripts that can contain shell commands, application shimming, and account manipulation.

Phase-2 Metrics: Internal Propagation

In this phase, the EPR product should be able to prevent internal propagation. This phase is triggered if the attack is not stopped in Phase 1. The EPR product in this phase should enable the system administrator to immediately identify and track the internal propagation of the threat in real time. We have explained below the relevant Tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.

Privilege Escalation: In enterprise networks, it is standard practice for users (including system admins on their own personal computers) to use standard user accounts without administrator privileges. If an enterprise endpoint is attacked, the logged-on account will not have the permissions the attacker requires to launch the next phase of the attack. In these cases, privilege escalation must be obtained, using techniques such as user-access token manipulation, exploitation, application shimming, hooking, or permission weakness. Once the adversary has got a foothold inside the environment, they will try to escalate the privileges. For an active response to be credited, we looked at various phases inside each method to see if there was a preventative action by the product.

Defense Evasion: The attacker’s aim is to carry out their objectives without being detected or blocked. Defense Evasion consists of measures used to ensure that the attack remains undiscovered. This could include tampering with security software, obfuscating processes, and abusing e.g. system tools so as to hide the attack.

Credential Access: This is a method used by the attacker to ensure their further activities are carried out using a legitimate network user account. This means that they can access the resources they want, and will not be flagged as an intruder by the system’s defences. Different credential-access methods can be used, depending on the nature of the targeted network. Credentials can be obtained on-site, using a method such as input capture (e.g., keyloggers). Alternatively, it might be done using the offline method, where the attacker copies the entire password database off-site, and can then use any method to crack it without fear of discovery.

Discovery: Once the attacker has gained access to the target network, they will explore the environment, with the aim of finding those assets that are the ultimate target of the attack. This is typically done by scanning the network.

Lateral Movement: The attacker will move laterally within the environment, so as to access those assets that are of interest. Techniques used include pass the hash, pass the ticket, and exploitation of remote services and protocols like RDP.

The table below depicts the results for each of the products tested for Phase 2.

Phase-3 Metrics: Asset Breach

The final phase of the workflow is asset breach. This is the stage where an attacker starts carrying out their ultimate objective. We have explained below the relevant Tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.

Collection: This involves gathering the target information – assuming of course that information theft, rather than sabotage, is the object of the exercise. The data concerned could be in the form of documents, emails or databases.

Command and Control: A Command-and-Control mechanism allows communication between the attacker’s system and the targeted network. This means that the attacker can send commands to, or receive data from, the compromised system. Typically, the attacker will try to mask such communications by disguising them as normal network traffic.

Exfiltration: Once the attacker has reached the objective of collecting the target information, they will want to copy it covertly from the targeted network to their own server. In almost all cases, exfiltration involves the use of a command-and-control infrastructure.

Impact: This can be defined as the direct damage done to the targeted organisation’s network. It includes the manipulation, disruption or destruction of operational systems and/or data. This might be an end in itself (sabotage), or a means of covering up data theft, by making it more difficult to investigate the breach.

The table below depicts the results for each of the products tested for Phase 3.

The following table shows the cumulative active response by phase(s) for each product.

Active Response Phase 1 Only Phase 1 & 2 Overall (Phase 1, 2 & 3)
Bitdefender 94% 100% 100%
CISCO 100% 100% 100%
ESET 90% 100% 100%
Kaspersky 92% 100% 100%
Palo Alto Networks 90% 100% 100%
Vendor A 90% 96% 96%
Vendor B 82% 96% 96%
Vendor C 86% 96% 96%
Vendor D 66% 94% 94%
Vendor E 84% 100% 100%

Cumulative Active Response by phases

The following table shows the cumulative passive response by phase(s) for each product.

Passive Response Phase 1 Only Phase 1 & 2 Overall (Phase 1, 2 & 3)
Bitdefender 94% 100% 100%
CISCO 100% 100% 100%
ESET 98% 100% 100%
Kaspersky 92% 100% 100%
Palo Alto Networks 94% 100% 100%
Vendor A 92% 98% 98%
Vendor B 82% 96% 96%
Vendor C 92% 98% 98%
Vendor D 72% 100% 100%
Vendor E 86% 100% 100%

Cumulative Passive Response by phases

The following table shows the raw data, i.e. numbers of scenarios prevented/reported.

  Scenarios Overall
Active Prevention
Passive Response
No Prevention/Response
Bitdefender 50 50 50 0
CISCO 50 50 50 0
ESET 50 50 50 0
Kaspersky 50 50 50 0
Palo Alto Networks 50 50 50 0
Vendor A 50 48 49 1
Vendor B 50 48 48 2
Vendor C 50 48 49 1
Vendor D 50 47 50 0
Vendor E 50 50 50 0

Responses per scenario

MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise

The diagram below shows the entire MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise. The column headings represent the ATT&CK Tactics (aims), while the boxes below them represent the ATT&CK Techniques used to achieve those goals. Our EPR test covers the entire attack chain shown here, using the most realistic possible scenarios. Across the 50 attack scenarios used in this EPR test, we tried to employ all of the Techniques shown in the green boxes below.

The Tactics relate to our 3 attack Phases as follows:
Phase 1 = Initial Access, Execution, Persistence
Phase 2 = Privilege Escalation, Defense Evasion, Credential Access, Discovery, Lateral Movement
Phase 3 = Collection, Command and Control, Exfiltration, Impact

MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques covered by this EPR Test
Generated with

An example scenario might look like this: phishing mail with script payload is sent to user on Workstation A – internal discovery is performed – access to C$ share on Workstation B is found – lateral movement to Workstation B – network admin session on Workstation B is found – LSASS dumped to obtain admin credentials – lateral movement to Server 1 – defence evasion used to bypass security product on Server 1 – credit-card data found – data is extracted via open C2 channel.

Award levels reached in this Endpoint Prevention & Response Test


Product costs are based on list prices in USD provided by vendors at the time of the test (summer 2022). The actual cost to end users might be lower depending on e.g. negotiated discounts. In general, pricing may vary based on e.g. volume discounts, negotiated discounts, geo-location, channel, and partner margins.

The EPR Cost incorporates the product costs for 5,000 clients, based on a 5-year contract:

Product EPR Cost (5000 Clients) 5 Years
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security Enterprise $500,777
CISCO Secure Endpoint Essentials $792,000
ESET PROTECT Enterprise Cloud $742,500
Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (on-premises) $1,032,000
Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR Pro $1,050,000
Product A $450,000
Product B $650,850
Product C $1,247,190
Product D $669,300
Product E $950,000

Total EPR Cost Structure

Please note that each product has its own particular features and advantages. We suggest that readers consider each product in detail, rather than looking at these list prices alone. Some products might have additional / different features and services that make them particularly suitable for some organisations.

Operational-Accuracy and Workflow-Delay Costs

Costs arising from imperfect operational accuracy and workflow delays are calculated as follows.

Costs arising from imperfect operational accuracy

Operational accuracy testing was performed by simulating a typical user activity in the enterprise environment. This included opening clean files of different types (such as executables, scripts, documents with macros) and browsing to different clean websites. Furthermore, different administrator-friendly tools and scripts were also executed in the test environment to ensure that productivity was not affected by the respective product configuration used for the test.

To assess operational accuracy, each product is tested with about a dozen clean scenarios. Over-blocking or over-reporting of such scenarios means that a product reaches high prevention and detection rates, but also causes increased costs. Where legitimate programs/actions are blocked, the system administrator will have to investigate, restore/reactivate any blocked programs etc, and take steps to prevent it happening again. The principle of “The boy who cried wolf” may also apply; the greater the number of false alerts, the more difficult it becomes to recognise a genuine alert.

Products are then assigned to one of five Groups (None, Low, Moderate, High, and Very High, whereby lower is better), according to the number of affected scenarios. These are shown in the table below.

Group Number of affected scenarios Operational Accuracy
Active Response Multiplying Factor
Passive Response Multiplying Factor
None 0 x0 x0
Low 1 x1 x0.75
Moderate 2-3 x5 x3.75
High 4-5 x10 x7.5
Very High 6+ x20 x15

Multiplying factors for Operational Accuracy costs

The costs arising from imperfect Operational Accuracy are worked out using Cost Units of USD 1.43 million. The number of Cost Units a product is deemed to have caused is calculated using a Multiplying Factor. This varies according to the Group, and also whether the scenario was affected by an Active Response (action blocked), or by a Passive Response (action not blocked, but detection alert shown in the console). The Multiplying Factor for an erroneous Passive Response is always three-quarters of that of an erroneous Active Response, because less time and effort is required to resolve the problem.

How this works in practice is best explained by looking at the table above. Products in the “None” Group have a Multiplying Factor of 0 for both Active and Passive Responses, therefore Operational Accuracy costs are zero. Products in the “Low” Group (1 affected scenario) have a Multiplying Factor of 1 for erroneous Active Responses, but only 0.75 for an erroneous Passive Response. Hence, a product with one erroneous Active Response incurs one Cost Unit, while a product with one erroneous Passive Responses only incurs 0.75 Cost Units. If a product had 2 affected scenarios, one being an Active Response, the other a Passive Response, it would incur 8.75 Cost Units (5 for the Active Response, and 3.75 for the Passive Response).

Costs arising from workflow delays
Some EPR products will cause delays in the user’s workflow because they e.g. stop the execution of a previously unknown file and send it to the vendor’s online sandbox for further analysis. Due to this behaviour, execution is stalled, and the user is not able to proceed till the analysis comes back from the sandbox. We noted the delay caused by such analysis, for both scenarios we knew to be clean and scenarios we knew to be malicious.

Where a product caused significant delays when analysing a scenario, this was penalised. The analysis time for each product was calculated as follows. For clean scenarios, we took the longest observed delay for any one scenario. So, for example, a product with two delays – of 2 minutes and 10 minutes respectively – for clean scenarios would have a recorded time of 10 minutes. For malicious scenarios, we took the average of all the delays. So, a product with two delays – of 2 minutes and 10 minutes respectively – for malicious scenarios, would have a recorded time of 6 minutes. Products are then assigned to one of five Workflow Delay Groups (None, Low, Moderate, High and Very High), depending on how long the respective delay is. These are shown in the table below.

Group Delay Caused
(in minutes)
Worlkflow Delay
Multiplying Factor
None under 2 x0
Low 2-5 x0.5
Moderate 6-10 x2.5
High 11-20 x5
Very High over 20 x10

Multiplying factors for Workflow Delay costs

The costs of these delays are calculated using the Cost Units as for operational accuracy. Again, there is a multiplying factor, which varies according to the Workflow Delay Group. Products in the Low Workflow Delay Group have a Multiplying Factor of 0.5, hence incurring costs of 1 Cost Unit; products in the Very High Workflow Delay Group have a Multiplying Factor of 10, thus incurring costs of 10 Cost Units. Products in the latter category would be disqualified from certification, due to the excessive costs incurred.

The costs arising from imperfect Operational Accuracy and Workflow Delays are shown below:

  Operational Accuracy Workflow
Active Response Passive Response
Bitdefender None None Low
CISCO None Low None
ESET None Moderate None
Kaspersky None Low None
Palo Alto Networks None Low None
Vendor A Low None None
Vendor B Low Low None
Vendor C Low None None
Vendor D Low None None
Vendor E Low None Low

Combined results table for Operational Accuracy and Workflow Delays

Product features

In this section, we provide an overview of the products’ features and the associated services provided by their respective vendors. Please note that in each case, these refer only to the specific product, tier and configuration used in our test. A different product/tier from the same vendor may have a different feature set. Below we show for each product the Support features, General features, Product Response, Management and Reporting, as well as IOC Integration features.

Support features

Required installation time: this information was provided by the respective vendor. It assumes a network of 5,000 endpoints, and that optimal conditions (network connectivity, hardware, Active Directory etc.) already exist. We suggest that the times stated here should be regarded as a theoretical minimum, and that more time may well be required in practice.

Free, basic human support for deployment: this means real-time communication with a member of the support staff, who will talk you through the deployment process and can provide immediate answers to any basic questions you have. Of course, many vendors will provide user manuals, videos and premium (paid-for) deployment support services instead/in addition.

Security staff numbers needed:  this information was provided by the respective vendor, and assumes a network of 5,000 endpoints. We suggest that staff numbers provided by vendors here might need to be (at least) doubled to allow for 24/7 operations and vacations.

Professionally assisted training: this includes any form of interactive training with an instructor. A few vendors include professional training as part of the license fee paid for 5,000 clients, while others charge additionally for it. Some other vendors might only offer videos and other online material for self-training.

General features

This section looks at general features such as phishing protection, web access control, device control, and interface languages.

Product Response Mechanism

EPR products will use their response mechanisms to deal with the intrusions that have occurred inside the protected environment. At a minimum, an EPR product is expected to allow the correlation of endpoints, processes and network communications, as well as the correlation of external IOCs with the internal environment. EDR capabilities were tested and examined by using the detection and response capabilities of the product. We were able to examine the events that correlated with the various steps that attacker took while attempting to breach the environment.

The EPR product should enable complete visibility of the malicious artifacts/operations that make up the attack chain, making any response-based activities easy to complete. This means that where any form of intended remediation mechanism is available in the product (Response Enablement), this mechanism is shown below. Please note that the capabilities shown below only apply to the specific product/version used in this test. A vendor might offer additional features as an add-on or in another product.

Central Management and Reporting

Management workflow is a top differentiator for enterprise security products. If a product is difficult to manage, it will not be used efficiently. The intuitiveness of a product’s management interface is a good determiner of how useful the product will be. Minutes saved per activity can translate into days and even weeks over the course of a year.

Management: Threat Visibility, System Visibility, and Data Sharing

The ability to provide threat context is a key component of an EPR product. This visibility can be critical when organizations are deciding whether to either supplement an existing technology or replace it. The management console can be deployed as physical appliance, virtual appliance, or cloud-based appliance. A full trail of audit logs is available in the management console. Communication between the agent and management console is done via SSL. The following tables provide information on the applicable capabilities of each of the tested products.

EPR Product Reporting Capabilities

An EPR platform should have the ability to unify data, that is to say, bring together information from disparate sources, and present it all within its own UI as a coherent picture of the situation. Technical integration with the operating system and third-party applications (Syslog, Splunk, SIEM or via API) is an important part of this. An EPR system should be able to offer response options appropriate to the organization.

IOC Integration

This is to identify the digital footprint by means of which the malicious activity on an endpoint/network can be identified. We will examine this use case by looking at the EPR product’s ability to use external IOCs including Yara signatures or threat intelligence feeds etc. as shown in the table below.

Product Configurations and Settings

In business environments, and with business products in general, it is usual for products to be configured by the system administrator, in accordance with vendor’s guidelines. Therefore, we asked vendors to request us to implement any changes they wanted to the default configuration of their respective products. Results presented in this test were only accomplished by applying the respective product configurations as described here.

The configurations were applied together with the engineers of the respective vendors during setup. This configuration is typical in enterprises, which have their own teams of security staff looking after their defences. It is common for products of this kind that vendor experts assist companies on the deployment and configuration best suited for the type of enterprise.

Below we have listed relevant non-default settings (i.e. settings used by the vendor for this test).

Bitdefender: “Advanced Threat Control”, “Advanced Anti-Exploit”, “Firewall”, “Network Content Control”, “Network Attack Defense” and “EDR Sensor” were enabled. “Scan mode” was set to “Local Scan”. “Relay Servers” and “Default Update Servers” were deleted. “Update Ring” was set to “Fast Ring”. “On-access Scanning” for archives bigger than 100MB was enabled with depth 16. “AMSI” setting and “Report analysis results to AMSI” were enabled. “Ransomware Mitigation” and “Email Traffic Scan” were activated. “HyperDetect” was enabled and set to “Block” (for network) and to “Disinfect” (for files). “Protection Level” was set to “Aggressive” for all settings on “HyperDetect”. “Scan SSL” and “Sandbox Analyzer” were enabled and set to “Block”.

CISCO: “Malicious Activity Prevention” and “Exploit Prevention – Script Control” were set to “Block”. “Event Tracing for Windows” was enabled. “Custom Detections” for “Outbreak Control” were set to “Standard”. “Connector Protection” and “Command Line logging” was enabled. “Connector Log Level” and “Tray Log Level” was set to “Debug”. For “File and Process Scan”, the “Verbose History” was enabled, “On Execute” was set to “Active” and the “Max Archive Scan File Size” was increased to 100MB. “Endpoint Isolation” was enabled. “Deep Scan Files” for “TETRA” was enabled and the “Content Update Interval” was set to 30 minutes. The “Detection Action” for “Network” was set to “Block” and “Terminate and Quarantine”.

ESET: All “Real-Time & Machine Learning Protection”, “Potentially Unwanted Applications”, “Potentially Unsafe Applications” and “Suspicious Applications” settings were set to “Aggressive”. In “Cloud-based Protection”, “LiveGuard”, “LiveGrid Feedback System” and “LiveGrid Reputation System” were set to “On”. The “Detection threshold” for “LiveGuard” was set to “Suspicious”, the “Proactive protection” was set to “Block execution until receiving the analysis result” and the “Maximum wait time for the analysis result” was set to “5 min”. In “ESET Inspect”, all detection rules and exclusions were enabled. “Also evaluate rules from Windows Firewall” was enabled.

Kaspersky: “Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)” was enabled. “Adaptive Anomaly Control” was disabled. The sandbox feature was not enabled.

Palo Alto Networks: Under “Agent settings”, in “XDR Pro Endpoints”, “XDR Pro Endpoint Capabilities” were enabled. Under “Malware Profile”, “Portable Executable and DLL examination”, “Behavioral Threat Protection” and “Ransomware Protection” were set to “Quarantine”. “Treat Grayware as Malware” was enabled.

Vendor A: Non-default settings were used.

Vendor B: Non-default settings were used.

Vendor C: Non-default settings were used.

Vendor D: Non-default settings were used.

Vendor E: Non-default settings were used.

EPR Test Methodology

Endpoint Prevention Response vs MITRE ATT&CK Framework

This EPR product report is a comprehensive validation of features, product efficacy and other relevant metrics to guide your risk assessment. The in-depth testing ran for a four-week period. A total of 49 scenarios were executed against real-world enterprise use-cases. These scenarios comprised several prevention and detection workflows operating under normal operational environments by different user personas. The results for the validation can be efficiently and effectively mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK® Platform (© 2015-2020, The MITRE Corporation. MITRE ATT&CK and ATT&CK are registered trademarks of The MITRE

Corporation.) and NIST platform, such that it becomes easier to operationalize the risk regarding a specific endpoint.

MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise vs Seven Stage Cyber Attack LifeCycle

AV-Comparatives has developed an industry-changing paradigm shift, by defining a real-world EPR methodology reflecting the everyday reality of enterprise use cases and workflows towards mapping the kill-chain visibility with the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

As illustrated in the following figure, we moved away from “atomic” testing i.e., tests that only look at a particular component of the ATT&CK framework and instead evaluated the EPR products from the context of the entire attack kill-chain, with workflows interconnecting at every stage from the initial execution to final data exfiltration/sabotage.

EPR Testing Workflow

The graphic below provides a simplified overview of the test procedure used:

Enterprise EPR Workflow Overview

Prevention (Active Response)

The best way to respond to any threat is by preventing and effectively reporting on it as soon as possible. AV-Comparatives defines prevention as an automated, active response that kicks in 24/7, 365 days a year, without the need for human intervention, but with quantifiable metrics and reporting data points that can be leveraged for effective analysis.

An EPR product should be able to initially identify and prevent a threat on a compromised machine. The incident should be detected, identified, correlated, and remediated from a single pane of glass (centralized management system) through an effective passive response strategy (partially/fully automated) ideally in real time. Furthermore, the system administrator should be able classify and triage a threat based on the data collection and analysis, and be able to close out a response using the EPR product with a specific workflow.

An active response, as defined in this test, is an effective response strategy that provides detection with effective prevention and reporting capabilities. This should all be done in an automated way with no manual intervention. This can be done through a multitude of technologies and mechanisms, for example: signature-based models, behaviour-based models, ML-based models, transaction rollbacks, isolation-based mechanisms, and so forth. This definition is technology-agnostic because it focuses on the outcomes of the various system-administrator workflows and scenarios, and not on the technology used to prevent, detect or respond to it.

Detection (Passive Response)

Passive response, as defined in this test, is a set of response mechanisms offered by the product with cohesive detection, correlation, reporting and actionable capabilities. Once an attacker is already inside the enterprise environment, traditional response mechanisms kick in, for example IOC and IOA correlation, external threat intel and hunting. AV-Comparatives defines these response mechanisms as Passive Response. The precondition for passive response is the detection of a potential threat by EPR products.

EPR products are typically expected to prevent initial and ongoing attacks without having to triage, while offering active response and reporting capabilities. If the attack is missed or not prevented, EPR products should then be able to assess and respond to attacks, thus providing lesser burden on resources (human/automation) and providing better ROI in the long run.

The range of available response capabilities of an EPR product is extremely important for organizations that need to review threats/compromises in multiple machines across multiple locations. An EPR product should be able to query for specific threats using the intelligence data provided to the system administrator. Once they have been identified, the system administrator should be able to use the EPR product to initiate responses based on the type of infection. AV-Comparatives expects EPR products to have non-automated or semi-automated passive response mechanisms.

Correlation of Process, Endpoint and Network

The EPR product should be able to identify and respond to threats in one or more of the following ways:

  • Response based on successful identification of attack via the product’s user interface (UI) that lists attack source (http[s]/IP-based link) that hosts compromised website/IP).
  • Exploit identification (based upon the CVE or generic detection of threat)
  • Downloaded malware file
  • Malware process spawning
  • Command and control activity as part of the single chain of attacks

EPR Validation Overview

AV-Comparatives have come up with the following topology and metrics to accurately assess the capabilities of endpoint prevention and response (EPR) products.

EPR Test Topology Overview

All the tested vendors’ EPR products were deployed and evaluated in a standalone mode, with each vendor actively involved in the initial setup, configuration, and baselining aspects. AV-Comparatives evaluated a list of 50 scenarios, as often requested by analysts and enterprises, highlighting several enterprise-centric use cases. Every vendor was allowed to configure their own product, to the same extent that organizations are able to do when deploying it in their infrastructure. The details of the configurations are included in the beginning of this report.

Because this methodology is tailored towards the prevention, detection and response capabilities, all vendors activated their prevention and protection capabilities (ability to block), along with detection and response, so that they emulate the real-world enterprise-class capabilities of these products.

The testing supported EPR product updates and configuration changes made by cloud management console or local area network server. We went through and executed all test scenarios from beginning to end, to the greatest extent possible.

Test Objective

The objective of the testing was to assess the prevention-centric workflow with specific use-cases targeted for EPR prevention Workflow-1 (referenced in the methodology) with threats that typically target enterprise users in a normal operational environment. This iteration helped us to assess the default prevention capability of the product along with the detection mechanism. If a threat was not prevented, we evaluated if the EPR product was able to take appropriate detection and response measures in a timely manner.

  • The following assessment was made to validate if the EPR endpoint security product was able to prevent and detect all the attacks on the EPR Prevention Workflow-1 and Detection workflow.
  • Did the prevention occur during Phase 1 (Endpoint Compromise and Foothold) of the prevention workflow?
  • Did the EPR product provide us with the appropriate threat classification, threat triage and demonstrated accurate threat timeline of the attacks with relevant Endpoint and User Data?
  • Did the EPR product demonstrate any negative issues on the operational accuracy test which was executed in conjunction with the attack scenarios?

Targeted Use-Cases

The sequence of events emulated was an enterprise-based scenario where in the system-level user received a file in an email attachment and executed it. In some cases, the emails were benign, while in others they were not. The malicious email attachments, if successfully executed, allowed an attacker to get a foothold inside the environment and take additional steps to act upon their objectives.

During testing, we logged into the EPR product management and the individual test system consoles, to observe, analyse and document what kind of activity is recorded by the product. For instance, if there is an attack, are there any alerts or events, and are these true positives or true negatives?

For true positive alerts, we further investigated whether the subsequent response in terms of event correlation, triages, threat classification and threat timeline were provided to the system administrator in a timely and clear way. We tested the responses as available by products under the test.

The test was conducted in summer 2022, and used an attacker-driven mindset as the attack progressed through the attack nodes to finally meet its objective. User activities were simulated throughout the test such that they were as close to a real-life environment as possible. Once the attacker got initial access to the environment, they tried to be as stealthy as possible so that defence mechanisms would not be triggered.

All the attacks were crafted using open-source and commercial tools/frameworks, and were developed using in-house expertise. The reason why we included commercial C2 frameworks is that these are frequently misused by attackers in real-life APTs; not using them would cause a „blind spot“ and lead to a false sense of security. Due to license agreement restrictions, we took measures to prevent samples created by commercial C2 frameworks from being distributed to the EPR vendors. These restrictions are made to prevent vendors from focussing on the tools instead of the techniques.

To illustrate the test procedure, we provide below an example of how a typical targeted attack might work. The attacker sends a script payload (containing some defence evasion techniques such as DLL sideloading) via a phishing mail to Network User A on Workstation A. After getting a foothold in the targeted network with the User Account A, internal discovery is performed. This involves enumerating user privileges, user groups, installed security products etc. Through this process it can be seen that the compromised User Account A has access to the C$ share on Workstation B, meaning that the account has local admin privileges on this workstation. With the knowledge gained from internal discovery, the attacker moves laterally from Workstation A to Workstation B. They then continue with internal discovery on Workstation B. This enables them to find a network administrator’s open user session on Workstation B. To take advantage of this, the attacker dumps the LSASS process, and is thus able to steal the administrator’s credentials. After doing this, they discover that the compromised administrator account has access to Server 1. The attacker then uses this compromised admin account to move laterally from Workstation B to Server 1, and then compromise this server. Here they perform further internal discovery, and also use some defence evasion techniques to bypass the installed security product (e.g. by patching AMSI and ETW). At the end of this procedure, they are able to identify credit-card data on Server 1, which they extract via an open C2 channel.

About this test

AV-Comparatives’ 2022 Endpoint Prevention and Response (EPR) Test for enterprise products is in its third iteration this year. Having the product named in the main comparative EPR report is at the vendor’s discretion. We tested the products with configurations as suggested by the vendors and verified them together with the vendors before the test started.

The test is very challenging but reflects realistic scenarios. Feedback from many vendors’ technical departments, analysts, and enterprises has been overwhelmingly positive. However, we have also had a few suggestions for perfecting the test methodology, and we have implemented some of these, where we felt that they were in the genuine interests of users, and helped to promote the most realistic testing of the EPR products.

The complex nature of the test means that automation is not possible, and so it has to be performed entirely manually, making it cost-intensive to run. This methodology is tailored towards the prevention and response capabilities. Therefore, vendors were advised to turn on the prevention and protection capabilities (ability to block), and configure detection features so that they work effectively, but without causing high costs due to poor operational accuracy or workflow delays.

The test phases consist of the attack tactics which most enterprises today are exposed to, and the security team has to counter. Some vendors claim that certain tactics (e.g. Discovery) might be hard to detect, but a good EPR product needs to deal with them as they are frequently used in targeted attacks. The different phases of the EPR test cover the full attack chain, including all the common real-world attack tactics and techniques, from the first foothold and internal propagation to the exfiltration of target information and actual damage done to the target system or network.

Because the aim of the test is to measure prevention and response capabilities, we did not tell any vendors when exactly the test would be performed, nor provide any details of the attacks beforehand. This avoids giving vendors the opportunity to monitor the attacks in real time and interact with their products when they think it beneficial. In real life, attackers do not tell their victims when or how they are going to attack, so products must aim to provide full protection all the time, rather than being optimized for evaluation.

Providing the customer with as much telemetry and sensor data as possible, and producing excessive numbers of alerts, can be counter-productive. Not all companies have the resources to investigate every single alert. Rather than overwhelming security experts with a load of raw data, which IT staff have to filter, analyse, and correlate manually, products should support the investigation process in a more reasonable and efficient way. Costs arising from imperfect operational-accuracy as well as costs due to workflow delays are taken into account. Additionally, telemetry-based threat-hunting is not within the scope of the test.

To get an overall picture of the protection and response capabilities of any of the tested EPR products, readers should look at the results of the other tests in AV-Comparatives’ Enterprise Main-Test Series too.

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This publication is Copyright © 2022 by AV-Comparatives ®. Any use of the results, etc. in whole or in part, is ONLY permitted after the explicit written agreement of the management board of AV-Comparatives prior to any publication. AV-Comparatives and its testers cannot be held liable for any damage or loss, which might occur as result of, or in connection with, the use of the information provided in this paper. We take every possible care to ensure the correctness of the basic data, but a liability for the correctness of the test results cannot be taken by any representative of AV-Comparatives. We do not give any guarantee of the correctness, completeness, or suitability for a specific purpose of any of the information/content provided at any given time. No one else involved in creating, producing or delivering test results shall be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damage, or loss of profits, arising out of, or related to, the use or inability to use, the services provided by the website, test documents or any related data.

For more information about AV-Comparatives and the testing methodologies, please visit our website.

(October 2022)

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