Security News

On this page you will find links to selected IT-security related news articles from various sources, including news from conferences and some test results. Posts in this category might be written by externals and students. If you find some interesting news, please let us know!

The Stock Market Influence: Balancing Financial Success with Cybersecurity Integrity

In the cybersecurity industry, balancing financial success with integrity is critical, especially for companies navigating the pressures of the stock market. Publicly traded cybersecurity firms often face pressure to meet quarterly targets, which can sometimes compromise their commitment to long-term security practices and independent evaluations. While being public offers access to capital and increased visibility, it also brings the risk of prioritizing short-term gains over rigorous product testing and transparency.

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An Invitation to Rigorous Excellence: Join AV-Comparatives’ Main-Test Series 2025

The independent ISO-certified security testing lab’s continuous long-term test is the most comprehensive and rigorous assessment of its kind.

In the high-stakes field of cybersecurity, independent validation proves invaluable. For years, AV-Comparatives has maintained an unwavering commitment to deliver such authoritative validation, offering a comprehensive, detailed evaluation of endpoint security solutions.

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TheSAScon 2024 – A Premier Gathering for Cybersecurity Leaders

The 2024 edition of TheSAScon, the premier global conference for cybersecurity experts and threat analysts, will take place from October 22nd to 25th, 2024 in the scenic destination of Bali, Indonesia. Bringing together hundreds of leading security researchers, this event promises to be a convergence of the brightest minds in security analysis and threat intelligence.

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AV-Comparatives at RSA Conference USA 2024: Investigating the Latest Cybersecurity Trends

This year, AV-Comparatives had the privilege of attending the RSA Conference 2024 in the USA, where the brightest minds in cybersecurity came together to explore and showcase the future of digital security. As a global leader in cybersecurity analysis, our mission was clear: to investigate the latest trends shaping the industry and understand how emerging technologies are redefining the security landscape.

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AV-Comparatives Renews ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Independent Testing of Anti-Virus Software

AV-Comparatives is pleased to announce the renewal of its ISO 9001:2015 certification for the independent testing of anti-virus software. TÜV Austria has reaffirmed AV-Comparatives’ commitment to provide “Independent Tests of Anti-Virus Software” by extending the certification, validating the organization’s dedication to delivering high-quality evaluations in the field of IT security.

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Updated AVC-News app for Android and iOS

AV-Comparatives is thrilled to announce the launch of the latest version of its AVC-News app, now available for both Android and iOS devices. The updated app offers users seamless access to the most recent news, test reports, and publications from AV-Comparatives, promising an enriched user experience and enhanced functionality across platforms

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Upcoming AV-Comparatives’ Certification Tests 2024

Anti-virus test

As in previous years, we will be running certification tests for the following products:

We also offer comprehensive security assessments exclusively for enterprise products, covering enterprise security tests, EPR/XDR tests, and penetration/red-teaming evaluations.

Security vendors interested in participating in any of the aforementioned tests or seeking more details are invited to contact us by 31st of March 2024.