In the digital age, online shopping has become a staple of modern life, offering convenience and a wide range of products at our fingertips. However, this convenience comes with risks, particularly the proliferation of fake online shops. These fraudulent websites are designed to deceive consumers, leading to financial losses and data breaches. In this article, we explore the growing threat of fake online shops, the importance of fake shop detection, and highlight the findings from our recent Fake-Shops Detection Test.
Tag: security news
Fake-Shops Detection Test November 2024
AV-Comparatives has conducted a new comprehensive evaluation of 37 cybersecurity solutions to assess their effectiveness in detecting fake webshops, a growing threat in online commerce. The test report can be found here:
Fake-Shops Detection Test June 2024
AV-Comparatives conducted an extensive study on 35 cybersecurity solutions to measure if and how good they protect against fake webshops, a rising threat in online commerce. The test report can be found here:
AV-Comparatives at RSA Conference USA 2024: Investigating the Latest Cybersecurity Trends
This year, AV-Comparatives had the privilege of attending the RSA Conference 2024 in the USA, where the brightest minds in cybersecurity came together to explore and showcase the future of digital security. As a global leader in cybersecurity analysis, our mission was clear: to investigate the latest trends shaping the industry and understand how emerging technologies are redefining the security landscape.
AVAR 2022 Conference in Singapore
The AVAR 2022 Cybersecurity Counterpunch conference is taking place on 1st and 2nd December.
AV-Comparatives is supporting the AVAR security conference again this year, organised by the Association of Anti-Virus Researchers Asia. AVAR 2022 is the 25th edition of AVAR’s international conference, and the event is taking place on the 1st and 2nd of December 2022 in Singapore. Full details and the registration form can be found on the organisation’s website:
AV-Comparatives Explains the Implications of Takeovers in the IT-Security Industry
In recent years, there have been many acquisitions of security software manufacturers. This article considers the implications of such takeovers, with regard to cybersecurity, consumer choice and other factors. AV-Comparatives notes that their test results can help uncover any technical changes resulting from AV-vendor acquisitions.
AV-Comparatives expands their global cybersecurity testing capabilities
Announcing a new cloud security validation lab in Austin, Texas.
AV-Comparatives, a global leader in endpoint security testing, is pleased to announce the extension of its testing portfolio in a new cloud security validation lab in Austin, Texas.
Spotlight on security: the inconvenient truth about CEO-impersonation fraud
Reported incidents of CEO-fraud or business email compromise (BEC) scams are so bizarre that most people think they are urban myths, told by security specialists to spice up their business and catch the attention of board-level executives. Sadly, these “April Fools’ Day” story lines have the opposite effect on C-level management. Let’s take a look at a recent € 19.2 million CEO-fraud case and put BEC-scams in a cyber-crime perspective to see whether you still think “it won’t happen to me”.
Spotlight on Security: why the claims of Google Play Protect are misleading
In October, Google announced two contract changes for European Android device vendors. One concerned a minimum security-patch requirement, and the other involved charging a fee for Google services (e.g. Google Play Store). These announcements indicate that many Android smartphones suffer from significant security weaknesses. Let us explain (and prove) why Google’s claims about the effectiveness of their Play Protect service are misleading, to say the least.
Spotlight on security: Politics and cyber security, a troubled relationship
The relationships between various countries in the world are worsening, not only with regard to economic and political issues, but also in the field of cybersecurity. The recent bans on Chinese (such as Huawei) and Russian security products (such as Kaspersky Lab) are examples of the troubled relations between politics and cyber security.